


表演藝術 / 教案

Augusto Boal. (2002). Games for Actors and Non-actors 2nd Edition. Psychology Press, 2002. 點選觀看
Dabrowski, Kristen Dabrowski. (2004). Twenty 10-Minute Plays for Teens Volume I (Young Actors Series). Smith and Kraus Publishers. 點選觀看
Gavin Levy. (2005). 112 Acting Games: A Comprehensive Workbook of Theatre Games for Developing Acting Skills. Meriwether Publishing. 點選觀看
Graeme K. Talboys. (2002). Aaargh to Zizz: 135 Drama Games. Dramatic Lines Publishers. 點選觀看
Jessica Swale. (2009). Drama Games: For Classrooms and Workshops. Nick Hern Books. 點選觀看
Joe Norris, Laura A. McCammon, and Carole S. Miller. (2000). Learning to Teach Drama: A Case Narrative Approach. Heinemann Educ Books. 點選觀看
Jonathan Neelands. (2004). Beginning Drama 11-14. David Fulton. 點選觀看
Kempe, Andy, and Helen Nicholson. (2001). Learning to Teach Drama, 11-18. Bloomsbury Academic. 點選觀看
Lynda A. Topper. (2008). Theatre Games and Activities: Games for Building Confidence and Creativity. Meriwether Publishing. 點選觀看
Margaret Friedl Johnson. (2007). The Drama Teacher’s Survival Guide: A Complete Tool Kit for Theatre Arts. Meriwether Publishing. 點選觀看
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